The Evolution of Animation: A Tale of Pencils and Pixels
Why did animation studios move away from 2D animation? It’s cheaper and faster to produce CGI movies. By abandoning the focus on hand-drawn cels, the studios could put more effort into the stories. And the movies ended up being more profitable.
Graphic Designers: Do You Have Your Escape Plan?
Are you planning for your future? It’s coming whether you’re ready or not. Report after report says that many design jobs will be eliminated due to AI.
Designers Need to Find Companies That Value Design
Most companies have designers in one form or another. But we all know that not every company understands the value design can add to a company.
AI’s Impact on Knowledge Work
AI is great and it’s letting us do so many new, semi-creative things! But at what cost?
A recent Business Insider article breaks down the actual impact AI will have on jobs, how bad it will be, and how ill-prepared we are to help those who will lose their jobs due to AI.
The Future of Graphic Design: A Tidal Wave of Change
The rise of AI is poised to reshape the global economy and disrupt traditional design roles. Designers need to embrace change, invest in continuous learning, explore new opportunities, and collaborate with AI to adapt and thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape.
Even Adobe Employees Can See the Impact of AI on Designers and Creatives
Is Adobe cannibalizing its core customers to boost stock prices? Some employees are worried this.
Navigating the Hype Cycle: The Rise of Generative AI and Its Impact on the Future of Work
Gartner has released the 2023 version of the Artificial Intelligence Hype Cycle. The fact that you’re hearing about generative AI all of the time is true because it is currently at the Peak of Inflated Expectations.
The Business Case for Graphic Design: Unveiling the Statistics Behind Success
As more scrutiny is applied to graphic design, here are some stats that execs might understand to see the value you provide.
Gartner: Generative AI’s Impact on Jobs
The question isn’t whether we’ll be affected – we already are. The real question is how we respond. We need to adapt, learn, and grow in the face of these changes.